Profile PictureMick Rutjes

Coach Yourself to Feel Successful and Fulfilled

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You might have heard somebody say to you:
“The world does not revolve around you!”
Well, let me burst your bubble because truthfully… it does. You are the most important person in this world. 

In this world it is all about you. You just got yourself the lead role in the play of your own life. Yay! Congratulations! But remember, “with great power comes great responsibility”.

This book has been written for those who feel stuck, want to grow, are ready for more, and are done with the struggles, the challenges and the setbacks. You want clarity in your life, you want development, growth, and you want to be rewarded for all of your effort, your blood, your sweat, and your tears. You are ready to live life on a new level, so you can finally feel fulfilled in all aspects of your life.

It's a book that many of my clients have used along side their coaching journey. Right now, the book has been developed, translated to English, and includes your personal coaching guide towards a living a life that feels like a holiday.

Inside the book you'll discover:

  • How to grow your (business) life to a new level and feel successful and fulfilled while doing so. 
  • How to tap into an abundance of self love and happiness.
  • How to be surrounded by beautiful people who have your back and love you unconditionally.
  • Financial freedom and the power to do whatever you want, whenever you want.
  • How to live this life like a never ending holiday.

You're getting:

  • The 'The World Revolves Around You' Ebook, with 190+ pages
  • PLUS: This book has been used alongside my coaching courses for months. Just for you, I decided to include all of the coaching exercises that helped my clients succeed in life.
  • PLUS PLUS: The '52 Affirmations For a Positive Life' meditation that over 2.1k people have benefited from so far!
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'The World Revolves Around You' Ebook

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195 pages
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Coach Yourself to Feel Successful and Fulfilled

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